"I am a singer and an actor. I am primarily an artist. Had I been born in Africa, I would have belonged, I hope, to that family which sings and chants the glories and legends of the tribe. I would have liked in my mature years to have been a wise elder, for I worship wisdom and knowledge of the ways of men"
- Paul Robeson, 1938


Support Robey

Of the almost 200 theatres in Los Angeles, only four are devoted to serving the African-American community: the Town Street Theatre, Unity Players Ensemble, Ebony Repertory Theatre, and the Robey Theatre Company. Each of these organizations is committed to producing works that explore the Black experience. All support theatre artists of color in their search for artistic fulfillment and some provide time, educational opportunities, and encouragement for such growth while contributing to high standards of excellence in the Black theatre in America. Robey is the theatre that remains consistent with its focus on the progressive, on-going quality in its choice of projects and their execution.

The Robey Theatre Company distinguishes itself by its pursuit of collaborations with other communities to celebrate and explore not only their differences but their similarities. These collaborations create bridges between the communities and encourage inter-cultural cooperation. Robey's production, "Yohen," was an important collaboration between Robey and East West Players, the oldest Asian-American company in the nation. "The Last Season" co-produced with Legacy Production out of Chicago, the trilogy "For the Love of Freedom" about the Haitian slave revolution co-produced with Greenway Arts Alliance and the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department, "Permanent Collection" co-produced with the Greenway Arts Alliance and The Center Theatre Group, "A Medley of One Act Plays" co-produced with The Against Type Theatre Company, and "A House With No Walls" with the New Los Angeles Theatre Center. All true collaborations, with companies providing financial and creative resources, demonstrated that inter-cultural productions are good for both partners, expanding audiences, increasing resources and offering new perspectives on inter-cultural relationships.

In addition to its partnerships with other cultural organizations, Robey has worked with the commercial entertainment industry to expand opportunities for multi-cultural artists. In 1999, Robey also collaborated with Elephant Industries, Inc., to co-produce its highly-successful second production, "Bee-Luther-Hatchee." Plays that have been read or produced by the Robey have been picked by such companies as HBO and Showtime for development as films. Robey's long-time association with Carrie Productions, which provides Robey with support services, confirms that the industry can be supportive of the non-profit theatre which supply it with material. Network Television has partnered with Robey; CBS, ABC, and FOX have worked with the company on several diversity projects aimed at giving artists of color access to the industry.

Robey offers an extensive program for playwrights that develops and produce their work as well as a training program for actors. There is also and outreach program introducing the performing arts to middle school students.

Through its collaborations with both nonprofit and commercial companies, Robey offers its company members and audiences an opportunity to participate in some of the best, provocative and innovative theatre in Los Angeles. It offers multicultural artists the chance to advance their careers and their work through its association with prominent artists of color. The Robey Theatre Company presents theatre that explores the diverse experiences of the Black community and investigates the intersection of this community with other cultures.

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