"I am a singer and an actor. I am primarily an artist. Had I been born in Africa, I would have belonged, I hope, to that family which sings and chants the glories and legends of the tribe. I would have liked in my mature years to have been a wise elder, for I worship wisdom and knowledge of the ways of men"
- Paul Robeson, 1938


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Paul Robeson (1898-1976) is the inspiration for the Robey Theatre Company (Robey). A man of mythic proportions, his achievements are the stuff of legends. Paul won a scholarship to New Jersey's Rutgers University, gaining Phi Beta Kappa honors in his junior year and lettering in track, basketball and baseball. Robeson was the first Black All-American football player, a leading international concert singer for 35 years, a musicologist, an accomplished stage and screen actor, the first Black lawyer to enter one of New York's most prestigious law firms, a linguist, scholar, orator and an uncompromising political activist. Paul Robeson's artistry and genius, together with his indomitable courage, established him as one of our greatest American Renaissance men.


Robey was founded in December 1994 by Danny Glover and Bennet Guillory to fill a void of opportunity for Black theatre artists. Artists of color, particularly Black playwrights, have long lacked a forum where their work can be developed in collaboration with their peers. Black audiences have had insufficient opportunity to hear these voices in an ongoing basis and their unique expression of the culture. Robey was founded to fulfill this need.

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